Sunday 25 January 2009

SUNDAY: killing festoon pork barrel orgy lets be clear
john say it straight to him i just determined to get you
i just fundamentally accountable not just crisis hire lobby
is the police officer financial crisis extra debt
pay attention policies,so do you agree? we gotta fix the system mainstreet greed wallstreet theres no doubt long way to go stricter regulatory their job this crisis but i have a fundamental inthegooodness productive innovative thru our best days are ahead of us you begin. fundamental approach what you would do ist thing out of control its gone size of governemnt the great society. hes also right special interests introducing lets be clear earmarks accoun to for
18 billion dollar 300 billion in tax cuts to wealthy 100 million americans grow from bottom up tax cut the ordinary paycheck comes home extra gas computer for the kid killing him recipe for growth eh eh eh senator
mccainPork barrel pork barrel 932 million dollars in requests i hear this all the time earmark corrupts porkbarrel it has ot be cleaned up fought against it,the sherrif i didnt when miss congeniality 800 billion dollars myself and senator i wanna cut spending is
lets just be clear. shipping over seas
government changed us tom called earmarking out of control spending governemtn pork barrel bears in omntana 3 million dollars brought under control
ive got a pen veto make them famous you wont know their names i paid ofr every dime of it.absolute line by line to make sure we are not spending money unwisely middleclass back on track neglecting the struggling continuation oif the last 8 years respond.lemme give you objectionable busines tax what are the looking ot the side and laughing about? festooned! i mean billions! you gotta look to our records? the best thing for america tax system is fair. let's simplify 2 tax brackets and two dividends
or we have to start making some decisions
we alienated 20th century mindset hes our dictator pakistan spent 10 billlion dollars failed state lemme tell ya this business about bombing iran a brand new united states reagan lebanon voted against it couldnt make peace several hundred 300 died the first somalia gulf war bosnia collegues genocide what was necc. in kosova a record i opposed peace keeping capable of i have a record
i have hu hu highest young men and women wolf borrow harms way 22 yrs old kille din combat and i said
i will wear his bracelet but promise me one thing not in vein we will win this one
lemme just make this point ryan david greenbay can you please make sure no othermother goes thruwhat i went thru
are we making good judgements precisely into enormous step the point i originally eye off afghanistan video tabes nobody is talking about becauseof that it is not true you are at one point we could muddle thru the central fron muddle muddle tal lee bon you might think that obama would hav,by the way whenim sub committe chairman wiz ear uh stan i know what our needs are we ill prevail
the important thing is the important thing is lousy painful lousy oil revenues i am convinced
he said cuh lamb it us
the bad new sis my five minute things have run over two mintures to you
the threat from iran. if iran has nukes,it an existential threat to israel and other countries in area will want nukes. no 2nd holocaust foreign
lets be clear. lets be clear a group common control world's economic power

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