Monday 15 November 2010

Used to,

"wernt nv'r nor shalt there be another wont'r" sed thee Consanguineous.
from The Time Socializerz III by Jert LaLangue

The last time I ran long in the tooth, at a distance from things, as much as I am at a distance from myself now, and the awareness of actions. Let's try to be a hybrid. Somewhere between the dialogue with the self and a fast paced newer than meta-wave perception of im-mediate.

The last time I ran
long in the tooth, at
A distance from things, as much as I am at a distance from myself now.
The awareness of actions.

Let's try to be a hybrid.
the dialogue
with the self
and a fast paced
newer than meta-
wave perception of

Health traces an outline around time and up's the rabbits pace for the dogs to
knock over the neighbors' garbage
laugh, cry and excommunicate, separate from the objective
graffiti the telephone poles
and the stars.

the criticism of being sincere
and informed enough
and informed enough
and simply not the wrong face.

grafting a thought about art in Atlanta with
a person just like Atlanta
partially regurgitated and regenerating
on fire with money and traffic, a cat's tail transparent
(self-critical evasive) just a "what-if " thrown at yr feet
expectations don't have to explain themselves.

some idea of hybridization, contradictions, the grotesque, the collage, the pace of information and sense of self. Incorporating willful misunderstanding into research. The rates at which head-on collisions of information occur and are scampered away with to colonize by some slender fingered digit, and then wires and flesh snap

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