Thursday 29 April 2010

Amongst Guest Hosts & Ghost Custodians.

Here are words generated by a simulation of the (simulation of attention to) the same unattended growth that(once engaged and courted- or honored) takes place in a public bathroom frequented by creative types. An observation of the process of valueing as well as the process of observing itself.

randomness acts alike in waves of hand held devices.
once a computer, a clown, torn in wages forlorn to maybe
and she busted out a graph
tornado tonight sez: "cradle laughter with fifty fingers"
garbage with words
neurosis sweaty sheets
the place beneath the stairs and
carved buildings
examine the beginning of the edge and
yrslf w/ an other.
Incubator Rabies suffers analytic depth charges and pings.
it's often the camera follows just out of the line of vision.
is wishing for a certainty into that edgeless space is

laura barfed and picked up a brick.
with sounds and captions in the sidewalk
slade, dangerfield, and japanese love apples
so many stains and answering machines.
metal grids and dark resin on rain hot asphalt
carl grabbed his uvula with tweezers.
gathered matchsticks and tiki torch fluid.
(bastard files rock ford fidget fjord)
Layered and wet refractions drip green through white,
edged with gold and felt inspiration.
a horizon, a lookout and a memory for words
wanting is a color and an ambiguous almost

catchy mamby pamby banter mandibles with
botox mombo soma blunder

shint stumble grunts

gravid lax on saturn emasculated manuscripts,
plastic mastic treason. Since
satyr labia and werebear crisis slimes pink ice with itself
glitched chasm's electric tambor razes fancy infant fantasies
into grimace fission and mucus poopy
amongst blast shield guest hosts and ghost custodians

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