Monday 2 February 2009


am learning. i am just an egg, i will admit this. i realized in sending my question that it was going to just be one layer of an old nasty onion. but i did it anyways.
should i send your info back to nancy just for poops and giggles?
im curious, but trying to salavage expenditure of emotional energy. will probably just withdraw back into my shell like a good little atlantan. im part of the team, though. i promise.

carrlevy wrote:
sorry Jeff-
this is not accurate. AiFP funding was attached to FCAC's Public Art
trust fund not their general yearly funds- the money has been set
aside as a % allocation for years and not subject to annual budget
review. This has nothing to do with the loss of revenue from Sandy
Springs- the money is already in the FCAC coffers. This message is
about politics an resource allocation and not policy.

On Friday, February 17, 2006, at 09:58 AM, Jeff d wrote:

> response from nancy boxill district 6 comm. of fulton county in
> reference to loss of funding for AIFP
> Mr. Dahlgren:
> Thanks for taking the time to write. The loss of revenue resulting
> from the creation of the City of Sandy Springs, combined with the
> restrictions of the Shafer Amendment, made funding allocations
> extremely difficult this year. Tough choices were made in determining
> the most fair and effective way to distribute dwindling resources in
> Fulton County. Arts in Fulton County have always been extremely
> important to me and my constituents in the District. My votes
> consistently support that assertion. My pledge is to be a wise and
> fair steward of your tax dollars as budgetary decisions are made. As
> always, it is a privilege to serve you.

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